The documentary, directed by Lagueria Davis, explores the impact of Black Barbie on generations of young girls.
“Black Barbie” Documentary Premieres on Netflix
BY Joan Irabor
June 20, 2024
9:00 am
Netflix, in collaboration with Shonda Rhimes, has released the documentary “Black Barbie,” on June 19, 2024. Directed by Lagueria Davis, this documentary delves into the pivotal role that representation plays in the lives of people, both young and old.
“Black Barbie” takes viewers back to 1980, a crucial moment in history for little Black girls worldwide. The documentary features interviews with key figures like Davis’s aunt, Beulah Mitchell, whose groundbreaking suggestion at Mattel led to the creation of Black Barbie, Stacey McBride, Kitty Black Perkins, as well as other Mattel employees, customers, and critics who witnessed Barbie’s evolution.

The introduction of “Black Barbie” marked a significant shift in the toy industry, allowing Black girls to see a reflection of themselves in the popular doll. This change empowered them, reinforcing their femininity and highlighting the beauty of diversity. The influence of Black Barbie on children around the globe cannot be overstated, as it promotes the importance of diversity and inclusion.
Watch the trailer here.