Netflix’s upcoming sci-fi adventure follows a teenager’s perilous search for her brother in a world where sentient robots roam the fringes of society.
“The Electric State” Explores a Machine-Dominated America
BY Alo Folakemi
February 26, 2025
6:56 pm
At some point, the line between human survival and machine dominance may blur—at least, that’s the reality “The Electric State” envisions.
Directed and produced by the Russo Brothers, the sci-fi adventure premieres on March 14, 2025, streaming exclusively on Netflix.
Based on Simon Stålenhag’s graphic novel, the film follows an orphaned teenager navigating a retro-futuristic America in search of her missing brother. With only a robot companion and a rogue smuggler by her side, she embarks on a dangerous journey through a world where sentient machines, banished after a rebellion, struggle to find their place.
The film boasts an ensemble cast, including Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Ke Huy Quan, Jason Alexander, Woody Harrelson, Anthony Mackie, Brian Cox, Jenny Slate, Giancarlo Esposito, and Stanley Tucci.
Originally set for distribution by Universal Pictures in 2017, “The Electric State” eventually landed at Netflix in June 2022. Filming began later that year and wrapped in February 2023.
At its core, “The Electric State” explores the delicate balance between humanity and technology in a world built from the ruins of the past.
Watch the trailer here.