Directed by Sebastian Ukwa, the film produced under Steve Gukas’ First Feature project tells a story of sacrifice and forgiveness.
Steve Gukas Presents “A Father’s Love” on Prime Video
BY Fareedat Taofeeq
June 2, 2024
5:09 am
Nigerian star filmmaker Steve Gukas released his latest project, “A Father’s Love,” on Prime Video on May 31, 2024.
Directed by Sebastian Ukwa, a protégé from Gukas and Dotun Olakunri’s empowering film-directing program, this film marks a significant addition to the First Feature project.
Principal photography for “A Father’s Love” began on November 4, 2023, and the film is set in the vibrant streets of Lagos and follows a devoted, low-income taxi driver who finds an abandoned baby in his cab. His journey to reunite the child with its mother leads to a shocking revelation about his own wife, challenging his notions of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness.
The cast features notable talents including Uche Jombo, Yvonne Jegede, Darasimi Nadi, Beloved Osagie, Lydian John, and Davide Jones.
This movie is the fifth installment in the First Feature project, following the recent release of “Kill Boro,” which Courage Obayuwana directed.
The First Feature project, initiated by Gukas and Olakunri, aims to nurture and empower a new generation of visionary film directors by providing them with the necessary training and funding to create their first feature films.
The initiative began with “Cake” in 2022 and includes titles like “Love & Life,” featuring stars such as Rita Dominic, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Chidi Mokeme, and Michelle Dede.