This family drama directed by Saheed Apanpa examines the complexities of gender roles and power structures within a marriage
“Cranky Decision” Returns to Amazon Prime Video with a Nuanced Exploration of Marital Dynamics
BY Fareedat Taofeeq
April 6, 2024
9:30 am
Audiences will have another opportunity to immerse themselves in the compelling narrative of “Cranky Decision” when the film premieres on Amazon Prime Video on April 12.
Directed by Saheed Apanpa, this family drama initially debuted on Ibaka TV on December 9, 2022, and now finds a new home on the popular streaming platform.
At the heart of the story is Charity, a woman with strong convictions about the dynamics within a marriage. She firmly believes that a husband and wife should have equal rights in the affairs of the family, including the sharing of domestic responsibilities. However, Charity also asserts that the financial provision should be the sole responsibility of the man.
The film’s talented ensemble cast, which features Uzor Arukwe, Lota Chukwu, Vivian Gabriel, Ruth Jacob, Emerald Nwani, and Okey Uzoeshi, brings depth and nuance to the characters’ experiences.
As they navigate the complexities of their relationships and societal expectations, the audience is drawn into a thoughtful exploration of the delicate balance between tradition and evolving societal norms.
“Cranky Decision” promises to captivate viewers once again with its insightful examination of the power dynamics and emotional undercurrents that shape modern marriages.
Saheed Apanpa’s directorial vision invites the audience to consider the multifaceted nature of gender roles and the challenges that arise when couples strive to redefine the parameters of their union.
Check out the trailer here