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Tiger Fire Rose Sheds Light on Nollywood’s Screenwriting Struggles

The screenwriter highlights challenges and progress for Nollywood screenwriters.
June 22, 2024
5:50 pm
Enitan Esiobu aka Tiger Fire Rose
Enitan Esiobu aka Tiger Fire Rose

In an exclusive interview with The Nollywood Reporter, Enitan Esiobu, aka Tiger Fire Rose, discusses the evolving recognition and ongoing challenges faced by screenwriters in Nollywood.


Enitan Esiobu, who co-wrote the Netflix series “Postcards,” shared insights into her career and the broader issues affecting screenwriters in the Nigerian film industry. She highlighted the historical lack of recognition for screenwriters but also noted that recent developments show a positive trend.


“In the past, writers were often overlooked in Nollywood,” said Tiger Fire Rose. “But now, people are more interested in knowing who the writers behind their favorite shows and movies are.”


She attributed this change to increased advocacy and the growing presence of writers on social media. Writers are now more vocal and proactive in promoting their work, which has led to greater public awareness and appreciation.


“Audiences today are taking the time to go through the end credits to find out who wrote their favorite shows,” Tigerfire Rose added. “Even if they don’t get tagged by producers or directors, writers are now posting their work on their platforms.”


Despite these advancements, she acknowledged that there is still much work to be done. While some screenwriters have managed to garner attention, many others remain in the shadows. Esiobu emphasized the need for continuous efforts to bring all writers into the spotlight.


“For me, it’s about taking control of my recognition,” she said. “If nobody gives me my flowers, I’ll plant my own garden and let it bloom.”


Tiger Fire Rose
Tiger Fire Rose

Esiobu’s comments come as part of a broader discussion on the role of screenwriters in Nollywood. As the industry grows, the contributions of screenwriters are becoming increasingly critical to the success of films and series. The evolving recognition is seen as a positive step toward valuing the creative minds behind the scripts.


“Postcards,” directed by Hamisha Daryani Ahuja, blends elements of Nollywood and Bollywood storytelling. Tigerfire Rose and her co-writer worked closely with Ahuja to ensure the screenplay authentically represented both Nigerian and Indian cultures. The series follows five central characters, exploring universal themes through a cross-cultural lens.


Tigerfire Rose’s insights reflect a broader trend within Nollywood, where the importance of storytelling and screenwriting is gradually being acknowledged. As more writers step into the limelight, the industry continues to evolve, promising a future where screenwriters receive the recognition they deserve.


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